Katie Ivens is an educational activist and literacy consultant.

Whilst her children were still young, Katie became a primary school reading volunteer, then a parent governor. Extraordinary events led her to become a parent campaigner for ‘real education' which led to her becoming Co-founder and Vice Chairman of the aptly named The Campaign for Real Education (CRE). 

As time moved on Katie became a secondary school governor at Quintin Kynaston School and was so for some years. She also became a Westminster City Councillor with a special interest in education. This eventually led to her being involved in Westminster Council housing regeneration programmes, notably Estate Action on the then-notorious Mozart Estate.

In summer 1995, together with Irina Tyk - author of the Butterfly whole-class literacy teaching method - Katie helped Roger Diamond set up a trial of the ground-breaking Butterfly teaching method on the Mozart Estate. Then circa 1996 with Roger Diamond and ten other residents from Mozart Estate and the local area, she joined the founding committee of the educational charity, Real Action (QPCT) Ltd.

Her education advocacy – particularly on the broadcast media – continues as the CRE’s Vice Chairman. Katie continues her educational activism - wearing various hats. She is also an Associate of the Institute of Ideas and member of the IoI Education Forum.

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