If you are invited to join our RDF Social Media Chat Group (SMG) the following Terms & Conditions apply.

  • You should already have a current Membership with RDF or be referred to us or recommended by an existing Member. 
  • You should not post anything considered by the general UK public or UK government as obscene or offensive.
  • You should refrain from posting or sharing anything overly political, religious or dogmatic.
  • The Roger Diamond Foundation (alias RDF) reserves the right to remove you from the SM Group or cancel your RDF Membership at anytime without first contacting you or without providing a reason. 
  • These conditions are in addition to rules or T&Cs imposed by the owners of the SM platform/s we use and any imposed by the laws of the UK or any country we operate in - and as such do not overwrite them.
  • We may modify these Terms & Conditions from time to time and will publish the most current version on the RDF website. Please check this Social Media Group (SMG) Terms & Conditions page from time (in order to time to keep up-to-date) and also check our Privacy Policy page.

© 2019-2024 The Roger Diamond Foundation Head Office: RDF Charity, C/O Basement, 343 Harrow Road, W9 3RA.
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