If you are invited to join our RDF Social Media Chat Group (SMG) the following Terms & Conditions apply.
You should already have a current Membership with RDF or be referred to us or recommended by an existing Member.
You should not post anything considered by the general UK public or UK government as obscene or offensive.
You should refrain from posting or sharing anything overly political, religious or dogmatic.
The Roger Diamond Foundation (alias RDF) reserves the right to remove you from the SM Group or cancel your RDF Membership at anytime without first contacting you or without providing a reason.
These conditions are in addition to rules or T&Cs imposed by the owners of the SM platform/s we use and any imposed by the laws of the UK or any country we operate in - and as such do not overwrite them.
We may modify these Terms & Conditions from time to time and will publish the most current version on the RDF website. Please check this Social Media Group (SMG) Terms & Conditions page from time (in order to time to keep up-to-date) and also check our Privacy Policy page.